Monday, December 24, 2012

Why we don't need Yeshua!

     Why would a rational person want that forever-dead cult leader to lead her to the putative Deity anyway? Why would a rational person want to believe in Him anyway?
     We naturalists/ rationalists never enslave ourselves to reason! That is just a red herring to detract from the lack of evidence for the Deity.
     The ideas of the Incarnation and the Trinity as Aquinas  notes rest on faith, not of reason, and we rationalists/naturalists find both incoherent, affirming ignosticism!
      Non-fundamentalists- errantists- favor sophistry as much as any fundamentalists!
      We do mainly good most of the time; hardly are we sinners- coming short of His standards.No we come short of our human morality! Deity has no rights over us, yes, none to judge and contemn us! His whims do not count! His wish to have a relationship with us would be useless should we not want it were He to exist!
    What counts is what is good for sentient beings instead of for the Deity! How immoral to state otherwise!
     Therefore, we need no blood sacrifice for us! What a barbarism! How immoral!
     How blasphemous to reason to declare that due tosin, we wilfully won't obey! No, ti's due to lack of evidence! We seek a better morality!
     This type of way to Him is in part why I am a gnu atheist!
      No! He is not written in our hearts! No sensus divinatis- sense of the Deity- exists. Our moral sense evolved and we refine it. No theistic evolution- unfolding- of morality has occurred due to Him.

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